What is the need for cardiac CT

Heart Disease

Coronary Artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death in the industrialized world.

  • “Screening” is a widely accepted strategy to combat CAD for early detection of stenosis of the coronary artery lumen.
  • Exclusion of stenosis in non- symptomatic high risk patients.
  • Prior to major (non-cardiac) Surgery.
  • Atypical (unstable) chest pain.
  • Refractory chest pain with doubtful coronary origin.
  • Non-conclusive stress tests.
  • As a substitute to conventional coronary angiography prior to percatareous coronary intervention and in high risk patient like aortic disease.
  • Adjuvant to coronary Angio for Plaque characterization ,Complicated coronary intubation., Total coronary occlusion.
  • Follow-up in -Percutaneous coronary intervention-Bypass Surgery.
  • Evaluation of coronary anomalies.
  • Evaluation of chest pain at emergency department.
  • Evaluation of lifestyle, dietary or pharmacological interventions on progression /regression of coronary atherosclerosis.